Read the passage carefully.Each question in the passage has multiple options. There is only one correct answer. Select the best option.

5 Sample Questions

Which of the following is the most obvious effects of tide?

  • A. A part of the beach that was once dry is now under water
  • B. Floods cause great damage during heavy rainstorms
  • C. The moon is not visible
  • D. water falls
  • E. The ocean rises

The word " lunar " in the beginning of the second paragraph most nearly means

  • A. weak
  • B. strong
  • C. destructive
  • D. related to moon
  • E. foolish

It can be inferred from the passage that if one were to travel to the moon

  • A. the water would be found on its surface
  • B. that if an object,if dropped,would float away from the surface of the moon
  • C. that other planets besides the moon have an influence on the tides of Earth's oceans
  • D. that tides are more dramatic during the day than during the night
  • E. that an object,if dropped,would fall to the moon's surface

The author's primary purpose in writing this passage is to

  • A. prove the existence of water on moon
  • B. refute claim that tides are caused by the moon
  • C. explain the main cause of the ocean's tide
  • D. argue that humans should not interfere with the processes of nature
  • E. convince students to study astrophysics

The primary purpose of this passage is​​​​​​

  • A. convince the reader that the Brooklyn Bridge is the longest suspension bridge in the world
  • B. describe Washington Roebling's rise to the success
  • C. show that Americans have an inborn talent for inventiveness
  • D. describe how the Brooklyn Bridge was a great success despite the hardships faced in building it
  • E. describe the dangers of tetanus

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