DIRECTIONS: Read and answer each of the following questions. You will be
asked to recognize and correct errors in sentences or short paragraphs. Mark the
best answer for each question.

5 Sample Questions

(1) Art Spiegelman’s graphic novel Maus: A Survivor’s Tale is one
of the most acclaimed works of literature of the 20th century.
(2)Maus is the true story of Spiegelman’s parents, Vladek and Anja,
Jews who survived the Holocaust in Poland and then emigrated to
America after World War II.
(3) In Part I of Maus, Spiegelman uses
text and illustrations to depict the terror Vladek and Anja felt
during the Nazi occupation of Poland, Part II focuses on the
Spiegelmans’ lives in America after the war.
(4) Part II won the
Pulitzer Prize for Literature in 1992.

Which sentence should be revised to correct a run-on?

  • A. Sentence 1
  • B. Sentence 2
  • C. Sentence 3
  • D. Sentence 4

As a matter of fact dozens of localities around the country are debating changing their time zones, a move that makes many residents suspicious; few people like interruptions to their routine,daily lives.

Which edit should be made to correct this sentence?

  • A. delete the comma after routine
  • B. insert a comma after fact
  • C. delete the comma after zones
  • D. insert a comma after localities

Bluefin Tuna: An Endangered Dinner

(1) Although sushi lovers may never know it, their eating habits may be
contributing to the worldwide shortage of Pacific bluefin tuna. (2) A recent study
jointly published by several conservation agencies recommended that bluefin
tuna be added to the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service’s list of endangered
species. (3) Adding the bluefin tuna to this list would ensure the popular fish is
given extreme protection from exploitation and other kinds of harm.
(4) Obviously, let’s ask: how did we get here? (5) Much of this sharp decline can
be blamed on people’s insatiable appetite for raw tuna. (6) Scientists estimate
that bluefin tuna have been depleted to 3 percent of their pre-exploitation
population, or the average number of fish in the oceans before humans began
commercially fishing. (7) Originally a favorite of the Japanese diet, tuna sashimi
is now prized by eaters all over the world, only heightening the demand for
bluefin tuna. (8) Still, the majority of fish caught today is sent to Japan.
(9) Another reason that Pacific bluefin tuna stocks have decreased by 97 percent
relates to fishing practices. (10) According to marine biologists, the majority of
the bluefin tuna that are caught are very young fish that have not matured to
adulthood. (11) Most of the world’s captured tuna never had a chance to
procreate. (12) The stock of tuna has decreased sharply.
(13) And many experts say that as long as tuna remains popular among
consumers, the troubling cycle will continue unabated. (14) On a normal day at
Tokyo’s busy Tsukiji fish market, a single bluefin tuna can sell for tens of
thousands of dollars. (15) In fact, in 2013, Kiyoshi Kimura, a Japanese
restaurateur, paid $1.76 million for a tuna—a record price. (16) Indeed, it is easy
to understand why fishermen continue to eagerly search the Pacific Ocean for
the endangered fish: they can make a fortune selling just one fish.
the endangered fish: they can make a fortune selling just one fish.
(17) Some chefs think serving bluefin tuna in restaurants is unconscionable,
given their low population numbers. (18) They recognize that action needs to be
taken, and have started to pursue other, more sustainable methods. (19) In the
United States, many prominent chefs have endorsed the Bluefin Boycott in the
name of conservation.

 Which revision of sentence 4 best maintains the formal style established in the passage?

  • A. How did this happen? is a question you should ask.
  • B. First of all, I must back up for a second: how did we get here?
  • C. It is worth analyzing the causes of the tuna shortage.
  • D. The causes of the tuna shortage: let’s talk about them.

(1) Many nature preserves are located far from major cities.
(2) Some big cities have managed to establish their own nature preserves.

What is the best way to combine these sentences to clarify the relationship
between the ideas?

  • A. Because some big cities have managed to establish their own nature
    preserves, many nature preserves are located far from major cities.
  • B. Many nature preserves are located far from major cities, and some big
    cities have managed to establish their own nature preserves.
  • C. Yet some big cities have managed to establish their own nature
    preserves, many nature preserves are located far from major cities.
  • D. While many nature preserves are located far from major cities, some big
    cities have managed to establish their own nature preserves.

Uninteresting and a little loud, I left the concert early.

How should this sentence be revised?

  • A. I left the concert early because it was uninteresting and a little loud.
  • B. Uninteresting and a little loud, the concert was left early.
  • C. I left the concert, uninterested and a little loud.
  • D. Early, uninteresting, and a little loud, I left the concert.

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