Each question given below has multiple options. Fill in the correct answer from the choices given .There is only one correct answer. Select the best option.

5 Sample Questions

Although her lips wore a smile,her eyes wore a ........

  • A. Veil
  • B. Laugh
  • C. Shadow
  • D. Frown
  • E. Stare

He was the chief ----- of his uncle's will.After taxes , he was left with an inheritance of $20,000,000 .

  • A. Exemption
  • B. Pensioner
  • C. Beneficiary
  • D. Contestant
  • E. Winner

The prisoner was in a state of great ------ after three months in solitary confinement with no bathing .

  • A. Lassitude
  • B. Decrepitude
  • C. Solitude
  • D. Rectitude
  • E. Fortitude

By shrewdly shifting district lines, a party boss can------ any voting bloc out of -------

  • A. Talk ... Registering
  • B. Gerrymander .... Existence
  • C. Shift.... Precinct
  • D. Cheat .... Majority
  • E. Gerrymander ....Hand

Joseph's-------handling of the Thompson account made him the laughingstock of the industry .

  • A. Proper
  • B. Dishonest
  • C. Maudlin
  • D. Humorous
  • E. Incompetent

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