Effective Listening Quiz

EFFECTIVE LISTENING Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process.  Listening is key to all effective communication, without the ability to listen effectively messages are easily misunderstood – communication breaks down and the ...

By Warren Wint $5
Leadership Quiz - What Type of Leader are You? Part - 2

One of the unifying characteristics of high performing managers is their ability to recognise situations and act accordingly; this is the basis of situational leadership. You will be able to analyse your own management/ leadership style and assess its impact on the knowledge, attitude and skills o...

By Warren Wint $5
Test Your Negotiation Skills Quiz

There are two major negotiating games that you can play. One is the RED game in which you believe the “more for you means less for them”. If there is a fixed pie available you will see your role as getting the largest slice of it for your client

By Warren Wint $5
Leadership Quiz - What Type of Leader are You?

One of the unifying characteristics of high performing managers is their ability to recognise situations and act accordingly; this is the basis of situational leadership. You will be able to analyse your own management/ leadership style and assess its impact on the knowledge, attitude and skills o...

By Warren Wint $5